Despite no official announcement, the Southern Coalition has called a halt on the invasion of Northern Coalition space. With AAA and ATLAS both pulling out, it left the five prong attack strategy in tatters. With the Northern Coalition greatly re-energised, it was inevitable that the attack - already precarious and relying on too many uncontrollable factors, was to fail and fail hard it did.
So the order was given by Mitch Taylor, Dark-Rising's CEO to pull back to Fountain and re-group. There would be other corporation operations planned and the 'fun' put back into play. Hell, we were even going to go ratting! However, I still had ships stuck in X-7 and all spaces in between.
Certainly, Fountain has its squatters and Pandemic Legion are swinging back through Delve and Fountain to cause some trouble and therefore, I hope to be involved. Should be fun.
Our orders are to relax and fill our pockers with isk before we see what else is coming over the horizon. It may even be possible that the Northern Coalition decide to come south. That should be fun.
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[b]Урок в Вовочкином классе. Детишки рассказывают.
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Мама посмотрела на Вовочку строго и ответила:
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торчащий член с презиком, сложился пополам и сделал вид, как будто он
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- Пап, что ты делаешь? - серьезно спросил Вовочка.
- Да я вроде видел, как мышь под кровать юркнула...» - не растерялся
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- Это с какой-такой стати?
- А с такой, что мой папаша давеча сказал: "Если хоть еще раз увижу двойку
по математике, то кое-кто отгребет хаа-роо-ших пиздюлей..." [/b]
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Мне приснилось, что я шла домой через поле, и на меня летели жуки, а я от них отмахивалась. Пришла домой и поведала маме, что, мол, жуки идти не давали. Радостно так рассказывала, довольная, что все позади, а потом начала переодеваться. Хотела расстегнуть кофту, а она сплошь покрыта жуками, приподняла ее, а под низом также все тело в жуках. Жутко, никак не могу этот сон позабыть.
А сегодня мне снилось, что я спускалась по широким ступенькам, вокруг много людей, может показаться на первый взгляд, ступеньки вели наверх в церковь, но я по ним спускалась, на некоторых ступеньках были осколки стекла. Я шла босиком, и на одной из ступенек поранила ногу. Села, осторожно достала осколок из ноги и пошла далее. К чему бы это?
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My dogs are also pretty curious around the laser gyroscope I got from They each attend the gyroscope as it spins, although at earliest they kept barking at the laser light accompany, and also because it produces music. But after they got employed it, they've stopped barking but due keep following the gyroscope whenever I start spinning it. Kids are also unbelievably amused next to it. Off it's moral to maintain entertaining toys throughout the ancestry so that you can pull out the small on while the kids are being amused or playing with it while you live fit out food or get changed. The gyroscope is one such toy with this purpose.
The gyroscope I bought from has a dragon as a intent plot on it, and produces a taper indicate with red, blue, and unskilled colours. Take a look at the pictures I've uploaded of the gyroscope with laser light show. The music produced from the gyroscope is not that expert but good plenty to entertain any supplementary roomer to the house. The gyroscope is red and negro, making it look extraordinarily imperturbable, and slightly arrogant with that dragon imprint.
The music dismount attack inform gyroscope runs on 6 LR44 batteries, which are replaceable anyway. I've also acclimatized this gyroscope to their heels my girlfriend during our anniversary celebration. I did the cheesy chore of decorating the pension room with roses and when I led her in, I started up the gyroscope as affectionately so that the laser light register produces a ideal effect. I also had some battery operated candles so all the understanding effects created a degree dreamt-up atmosphere. She loved it, at near the custom, to my relief. I also bought the candles from These days it seems to be my default shopping placement suitable all gifts and ideas in behalf of fancied occasions.
Since Christmas is coming, this laser lamp show gyroscope can dialect mayhap be a momentous Christmas gift for the toddler or neutral the favoured! Alternatively, the gyroscope can altogether be a polite totalling to the usual Christmas decorations. I can fancy placing it within a mile of the Christmas tree and peradventure spinning it when guests succeed in the house. Looks like [url=][/url] is getting my function anyway again!
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