Slowly, like an ageing tortoise with a bad leg, I am crawling towards T2 Blue prints through the miracles (nah - lottery) of invention.
I can see that finally, with the Gallente Encryption Skillbook in place (at a snip of 4 million isk); that I have the skills to at least consider the invention route. With a fistful of megathron BPCs and the prospect of a possible Kronos BPC at the end of it - I am eager to start.
Some research is required. I have the skills but now what?
++Items and Agents++
By selecting the Invention tab on the BPC, I can see that it has a list of what skills and materials I need. I have the skills now but the materials will need to be sourced. I need to first collect data cores. Specifically, two types: Gallente Spaceship Engineering ones and Mechanical Engineering datacore if I want to invent ship BPCs. With my research project management,
Now, since I needed two types of data cores, I had to make sure that Doppepuette could do the science and indeed he could. In addition to his impressive skills in Particle Physics he was pretty damn hot in the Starship engineering side of things. So I asked him to head my research team into Advanced Gallente starship engineering, specifically concentrating on hull types and manufacturing. I could then get much needed datacores (containing the team's findings) from Doppepuette at intervals of my own choosing.
I wanted to grab those prize winning agents, with huge brains and more titles than one can shake a stick at but this proved, at least in the mechanical engineering field, to be very thin indeed. I did find a researcher, who's speciality was indeed mechanical engineering but due to my low standing with him and his division. I could not even approach him let alone ask him to head my mechanical engineering team. However, feeling a bit despondent, I did finally have some luck and found a junior researcher with Creodron of all places who was suitable. Her name is Roomfennah Ambettin and she was in this far-flung Creodron research post. It took me almost a week to reach her and chat to her face to face but it was worth it. After carefully explaining what I wanted her to lead on - she agreed to lead the second of my three R & D teams. While young and inexperienced, she had drive and enthusiasm and I all for it.
Doppepuette was already harvesting his results and packing the findings into datacores and within a few weeks, I could grab a fair few and even sell them on the market to the highest bidder. Roomfennah was slower however, the output from the team she was heading was producing a mere 4.85% of Doppeputte's output.
Oh well, next step for me would be to get hold of some decryptors and an interface.
Interesting read on getting started on invention. I look forward to how you find the interface and decryptors.
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